. . . there is no wisdom or any attainment . With nothing to attain, Bodhisattvas relying on Hannya Haramita have no obstructions in their minds. Having no obstructions there is no fear and departing far from confusion and imagenings they reach ultimate nirvana. MAKAHANNYAHARAMITA SHINGYO
Musho Toku is the pearl, the treasure to discover in our Zazen practice. And on the other hand an attitude of Musho Toku is necessary if we want to enter true Zazen. Once Musho Toku has been realized in practice it becomes our living potential. All activities triggered by desire, whether social or commercial or purely egoistic, are done with the idea to achieve something in result. This is also true for spiritual activities we pursue, hoping for better life here and now or in the future. Musho Toku means to abandon the substitute of compensation, it means to become one with what we do. Having no fear of failure, using our full potential beyond all dithering and doubt, seeing reality clearly, unobstructed by subjective views and personal values, is Musho Toku. It has nothing in common with laziness or indecision , though it might become effortless once the direction is taken