↓  English text below 

A liberdade não nos é dada por ninguém, temos de a cultivar nós próprios.
– Thich Nhat Hanh –

Este pequeno Retiro (Sesshin) começa na Quarta, dia 24 de Abril às 18:30 horas com um chá de boas-vindas e termina na Sexta 26, depois do café, pelas 10h.

Mais info e programa →


Freedom is not given to us by anyone, we have to cultivate it ourselves.
– Thich Nhat Hanh –

This small Zen retreat (Sesshin) will take place in the Dojo TAI KU AN in Barão S. João and begins Wednesday 24 of April at 6:30pm with a welcoming tea and ends on Friday 26th after coffee around 10am.

More info and program →


Half DAY of ZAZEN, 31.03.2024, Dojo TAI KU AN

No espírito da Páscoa ( in the spirit of Easter )

»Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha«

Dear All,

we meet next Sunday, 31.03.2024 for a half day of ZAZEN in the Dojo TAI KU AN.

We start at 9:00am and finish at 12:00am. Afterwards we join for a nice


With practicipants and friends. All very welcome. Please bring some food to share. Café/Tea and Folar ( portg. sweet Easter Bread) will be served. Donation based.


Anni and Annette