Morning ZAZEN on Sunday 9 of February – Zen Dojo TAI KU AN

buda incese smoke foro Carl Zimmerling - Dojo Tai Ku An

“Zazen is an activity that is an extension of the universe. Zazen is not the life of an individual, it’s the universe that’s breathing.”
—  Dogen

Morning of Zazen practice and Samu (manual work in concentration) on Sunday 9th of February  at the TAI KU AN Zen Dojo in Barão de São João. On donation base.
Please confirm and plan to arrive 15 minutes before Zazen time.

  • 8:30 — ZAZEN + Hannya Shingyo
  • 10:00 — break with tea and fruits (pausa, chá e fruta)
  • 10:15 — SAMU 
  • 11:30 — ZAZEN 
  • 13:00 — Guen Mai – vegetarian rice soup in the dojo (sopa de arroz vegetariana)

Manhã de prática de  Zazen e Samu (trabalho manual em concentração) no domingo 9 de Fevereiro no  Zen Dojo TAI KU AN, em Barão de São João. À base de donativos.
Confirmar e planear a chegada 15 minutos antes da hora do Zazen.


* Foto Carl Zimmerling

Morning ZAZEN, Sunday 05.01.2025, Dojo TAI DU AN









» the clearer the full moon, the deeper the shade of the old pine «    

Sawaki Roshi


Dear All,

we like to welcome you for the first ZAZEN Sunday Morning in the New Year:

on the 05.01.2025 from 8:30 – 13:00, in the DOJO TAI KU AN, Barão de São João,


8:30 – 10:00 ZAZEN

10:00 – 10:15 break

10:15 – 11:00 walking guided meditation

11:00 – 11:15 break

11:15 – 12:45 ZAZEN

13:00 Lunch

Please bring some food to share. Tee will be served. All on donation base

We meet in mindfulness, connectedness,  simply in the practice.

Looking forward





Morning ZAZEN, Sunday 08.12.2024 Dojo TAI KU AN















» The supreme way is not difficult, if you only do not pick and choose.

Neither love nor hate. And you will clearly understand…… 

(Faith in mind, Shinjinmei, Master Sõsan) «


Dear All,

let´s practice together, sharing the morning in silence. Sunday 8th of December 2024 from 8:30 – 13:00am in the Dojo TAI KU AN, Barão de São João. ZAZEN and walking meditation in silence.

Please bring some food to share.

feel very welcome


Anni and Annette