Zazen into the new year 2022/23

Fire, new year zazen

come and nourish your inner flame

sitting in silence together while the world spinning around

Dear friends
come and share with us the last Zazen in 2022, from 21:00 sitting in silence in the Zen Dojo Tai Ku An, near Barão de São João, Lagos.
Optionally people can leave or arrive in the pause. Tea will be served.
After Zazen, we sit around the fire outside and celebrate the New Year 2023.
Please bring some warm blankets, some drinks and some finger food if you wish to stay longer…

feel very welcome

– 21:00 – 22:30 – ZAZEN  (arrive around 15 minutes before Zazen starts)

– break (30min.)

– 23:00 – 00:15 – ZAZEN 

– bonfire and drinks…

gassho _/\_


Buda estatues

sitting together in the here and now

sharing our true nature

mindful and joyful

Dear ones

This is an invitation to a day of Zazen on Sunday, the 18.12.2022 at the Dojo Tai Ku An, Barão São João. We start at 9:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. It would be great if everyone brings something to eat for sharing lunch together. Drinks will be served.

Peaceful community strengthens each and every one of us.

Feel very welcome



mobil 918387050



A Zenpractioner is arriving in front of the door to the Dharma .

                                              you have to let go your family !                                                and he/she does .
you have to let go your social position !
and he/she does .
you have to let go your clothes !
and he/she does .
you have to let go your body !
and he/she does .
you have to let go your mind !
and he/she does and there is no longer any door to enter.

dear friends, on Sunday, 6 th of December we will meet for a day of sitting in silence, ZAZEN, in the Dojo TAI KU AN near Barão de São João. We will start at 9 am and will finish around 6 pm. Please bring some food which we will share for lunch. Donation based. Please feel all very welcome.
