“Zazen is an activity that is an extension of the universe. Zazen is not the life of an individual, it’s the universe that’s breathing.”
— Dogen
Morning of Zazen practice and Samu (manual work in concentration) on Sunday 9th of February at the TAI KU AN Zen Dojo in Barão de São João. On donation base.
Please confirm and plan to arrive 15 minutes before Zazen time.
- 8:30 — ZAZEN + Hannya Shingyo
- 10:00 — break with tea and fruits (pausa, chá e fruta)
- 10:15 — SAMU
- 11:30 — ZAZEN
- 13:00 — Guen Mai – vegetarian rice soup in the dojo (sopa de arroz vegetariana)
Manhã de prática de Zazen e Samu (trabalho manual em concentração) no domingo 9 de Fevereiro no Zen Dojo TAI KU AN, em Barão de São João. À base de donativos.
Confirmar e planear a chegada 15 minutos antes da hora do Zazen.
* Foto Carl Zimmerling