Sunday 4th of October will be another day of ZAZEN in the Dojo Tai Ku An. We will start at 9 am and finish at 6 pm. As always a vegetarian lunch will be served and the event is donation based.
And something new : whoever wants is welcome to join us Saturday afternoon at 4pm at the same place. Together we will clean the Dojo before the Sunday sitting and prepare the Guen Mai ( rice soup ). Pedro came back from Shorin Ji with the project to do a Kesa, so we can assist in sewing this traditional Buddhist garment. Anyway meeting on Saturday gives the possibility to socialize, to ask questions and to be responsible that the Dojo functions. Sunday will be day of ZAZEN, sitting in silence.
If you want to stay overnight, it is possible to sleep in the caravan or in the Dojo.
Be welcome, Gassho Carl