Zen Meditation Retreat – 9,10, 11 Dez 2011



. . . there is no wisdom or any attainment

with nothing to attain Bodhisattvas relying on Hannya Haramita have no obstructions in their minds.

Having no obstructions there is no fear and departing far from confusion and imaginings they reach ultimate nirvana.


These lines describe a practice . a life , what is not rooted in searching personal gain and profit . In Zen we call it » musho toku « , no motivation , just taste the unlimited reality here and now . In our daily life most actions are lead by motives , I like or I don’t like . To do a retreat , a sesshin , means to step out of our social circles , of our personal habits for a certain time and experience the space in which life happens , unconsciously and naturally .

In our Dojo we will do a small retreat of one and a half day with basic sleeping arrangements.

Zen Meditation Retreat  – Schedule
9, 10 and 11 December 2011


  • 19h30 (arrival / newcomers introduction)
  • 20h – 21h30 (zazen)


  • 7h30 – 9h (zazen)
    (Breakfast – Gen Mai)
  • 9h30 – 11h (samu)
  • 11h30 – 13h (zazen)
    (Vegetarian Lunch)
  • 15h30 – 16h30 (samu)
  • 17h – 18h30 (zazen)
    (Light Dinner)
  • 20h – 21h30 (zazen)


  • 7h30 – 9h (zazen)
    (Breakfast – Gen Mai)
  • 9h30 – 11h (samu)
  • 11h30 – 13h (zazen)
    (Lunch / leaving party)
  • 14h30 (departure)

If you enjoy basic life you might sleep in the Dojo or in a caravan.

or you can go home to sleep, but it’s preferential to stay in the retreat atmosphere and sleep in.

Please be on time to prepare yourself for the retreat and not to disturb others.

You can also do part of the retreat if you cannot come to the full retreat, but inform us the time of your arrival and departure on the reservation, as we need to know in advance.

Newcomers, please arrive at least 30m before zazen to receive an introduction.

What to Bring
Warm and comfortable clothe, zafu (meditation cushion if you have one) and cover blanket (for meditation), light, sleeping bag and mattress (if you sleep in), money.

Reservation (untill 7th of December)
Send by email, your name, time of arrival and departure, if you sleep in and if you are a newcomer.

Reserve until Wednesday the 7th of December. Cost: 20€ (to pay on the retreat).

Sesshin December 2011, Lagos