TIME OUT in SILENCE, Dojo TAI KU AN 25.12-29.12.2023

sitting silently, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself

Dear friends of silent meditation,

Between Christmas and New Year, the DOJO TAI KU AN is offering a time of silent meditation. From 25.12. – 29.12.2023, daily from 10:30 – 12:30 there will be meditation / walking meditation in silence. Afterwards we will have lunch together (optional).
It is also possible to come on single days. Just enjoy this and feel welcome. On donation base.


Annette and Anni



Sol nascer


when Rama asks Hanuman,” how do you look upon me?” the great monkey gives a three part answer: ” When I blieve  I am the body, then I am your faithful servant. When I know I am the soul, I know myself to be a spark of your eternal light. And when I have the vision of truth, you and I, my Lord, are one and the same.

Dear friends,

let´s practice together on the coming Sunday, 08.10.2023 from 9:00am to 13:00pm at the Dojo TAI KU AN in Barão de São João. Donation based. Everybody is very welcome. Please bring some food to share for lunch. Drinks will be served.

sitting in silence, nothing to do.


Anni and Annette



DAY OF ZAZEN, Sunday 10.09.2023, Dojo TAI KU AN

after the summer break, our bell is ringing again…… continuation, transformation, impermanence .

feel welcome, let’s practice together

The next DAY OF ZAZEN will be held in our Dojo TAI KU AN, Barão de São João.

Sunday the 10th of September 2023 from 9:00am to 18:00pm.  It´s also possible to join eather mornings or afternoons.

Donation based

Please bring some food to share.


Anni e Annette